Treating the ME in Mental Health
Mission Statement
Our goal at 1B.E.S.T. You, LLC is to change the image of mental health and how it once used to look. We strive to help others understand that mental health affects the average day-to-day person, just like the common cold. We want people to realize that seeking help for mental disorders should be as easy as reaching for Robitussin.
People tend to label themselves or others as “crazy” once a medication has been introduced into therapy. 1B.E.S.T. You strives to help others understand that medication is just one form of a treatment modality to help overcome a condition. We aim to teach that pharmacotherapy is helpful; however, it is not our only way of treating mental health disorders.
At 1 B.E.S.T. You, our focus is on creating a new treatment viewpoint and doing away with negative, harmful stigmas. We hope to help ease mental anguish without feeling like you were “locked in a straitjacket with tranquilizers thrown at you.” We are here to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and environment to help you be successfully independent daily.